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Sinoma Science & Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd

Sinoma Science & Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as "Chengdu company") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinoma Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (Stock code: 002080-CN) (hereinafter referred to as "Sinoma Science & Technology"), whose main business are NGV cylinders, hydrogen fuel cell cylinders, composite materials products and gas storage and transportation unit.

Chengdu company has two production bases in Chengdu, Sichuan province and Suzhou, Jiangsu province with an annual capacity of more than 700,000 pcs. Among them, Chengdu base is the largest production base of CNG pressure vessels in China, and has established long-term stable partnership with many international and domestic famous automobile OEMs, and provide NGV cylinders and system application services. Suzhou base is only CNG product manufacturing base for Volkswagen in Asia-Pacific region. 

Chengdu company always follow the business philosophy of “Grow with customers, and create profits for shareholders; share profits with employees and create a harmonious society”. And always make unremitting efforts to become the global leader in development and production of composite gas cylinders.

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